Arti Shuffle | Quartz
On Friday, July 19, the eve of Amsterdam Pride 2024, the Arti Shuffle is dedicated to the Queer Arts. QUARTZ is all about connection and dialogue with various arts disciplines from the LGBTQI+ Community. QUARTZ is open to anyone interested in experiencing more closely the special stories, experiences, feelings and thoughts translated into the arts.
The starting point is to bridge people inside and outside the LGBTQI+ scene through the arts. Important and necessary in times increasingly dominated by social media and polarisation. Meeting each other in real life can open up a world for you, a world you may not yet or only vaguely know. How beautiful and fitting that Arti et Amicitiae - for art and friendship - offers a platform for this initiative.
There is no dress code, come mainly as yourself, although a rainbow item does add to the festivities. There will be a photographer to immortalise you in the pink photo frame. It will be a celebration of art and diversity so feel free!
QUARTZ is part of IDAHOT-IQZ Netherlands
On 17 May, the day homosexuality was removed as a disease in 1990, IDAHOT, the international day against homo- and transphobia, was born. IDAHOTIQZ's mission is to artfully promote a sense of community from and with the Queer community and, to this end, it organises events at IDAHOT, Pride and, as of now, throughout the rest of the year in the QUARTZ series.