Historisch én actueel: Ulli d’Oliveira over nationaliteitsrecht - Arti Shuffle
Historical and contemporary: Ulli d'Oliveira on nationality law
On Feb. 12, Ulli d'Oliveira will give a lecture on a historical but topical subject: nationality law. He wondered, in response to the exhibition of the Golden Coach and the colonial panel, with its false representation, how European states in the nineteenth century dealt with the inhabitants of the colonies when it came to their nationality law position. The colonizing nation-states, which had a strong ethnic profile, had great difficulty in treating their subjects in the colonies equally. Did they belong or not? Especially the succeeding stages of Dutch history will be scrutinized, showing that the Netherlands has taken an extreme position in this debate.
Can a line be drawn to the present? Not only do people from outside have to cross a high threshold to become Dutch, but people with dual nationality can lose their Dutch citizenship more quickly. Does 'race' continue to play a role?
Ulli d'Oliveira (1933), professor emeritus of migration law, international private law, comparative law, European law and philosophy of law as well as Arti member, wrote in 2023 the book Nation-State and Colonialism: an uneasy alliance. Race and nationality in the nineteenth century (the book is on sale this afternoon at Arti).
Arti Shuffle
Wednesday, February 12, 2025, Arti et Amicitiae society
Start program 16.00 hrs, walk-in from 15.30 hrs.
Drink from 17.00 to 18.00 hrs.
Photo of Ulli by Kees Funke Küpper.