Color Light Atmosphere | Bea van Huijstee
This exhibition features work about Bea van Huijstee's family history.
'Works inspired by memories and old photographs of my family. Besides this subject work following a visit to New York, Morocco and the Auvergne. The starting point in my painting is people. This can be portraits painted after life. And human figures that are part of the composition. Even without being visibly present, man seems to be around,' said Bea van Huijstee.
She was trained at the Rijksacademie in the 1970s where the study from observation was central
was central. Perception and starting from the reality seen still serves as an
inspiration. Drawings and photographs provide the impetus for a new painting with an important
role for color, light and atmosphere.
On Bea van Huijstee's website it is clear to see where all this leads:
Bea van Huijstee writes, “And to quote Per Kirkeby, ‘I need something to paint over, I can't paint from nothing’.”